Neurotherapy for Muscle Atrophy Treatment

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In the US alone, around 25,000 people are affected by spinal muscular atrophy. A condition in which muscles become weak and can no longer function. This can be caused by aging, illness, or injury, but whatever the cause, those suffering from muscle atrophy need relief.

Neurotherapy is one possible treatment that has been proven to help with muscle atrophy. Neurotherapy stimulates the nervous system to change the body at a cellular level. It uses mild electrical pulses to stimulate nerves and muscles.

In this guide, we will look at what muscle atrophy is and how Neurotherapy works to help relieve the symptoms. We will also discuss how this treatment can be used to treat muscle atrophy and its effect.

Read on to learn more about the potentially helpful benefits of Neurotherapy for treating muscle atrophy.

Muscle Atrophy: What Is It?

Muscle atrophy can affect any muscle in the body. It occurs when muscles become smaller due to a lack of use or nerve damage.

Symptoms may include decreased strength and mobility, as well as pain and stiffness. Muscle atrophy is most common among elderly people but can also affect younger individuals.

Furthermore, there are two varieties of atrophy in the muscles:

  • Disuse atrophy
  • Neurogenic atrophy

There are other small rare variations, but these two cover most muscle atrophy types. In fact, just these two types of atrophy cover practically all cases in the medical field.

Disuse atrophy means the muscles are not used regularly and deteriorate due to lack of use. In contrast, neurogenic atrophy happens from a nerve injury or disease.

Neurotherapy for Treatment: How Does It Work?

Neurotherapy is a treatment option for those who suffer from muscle atrophy. This therapy works by stimulating the nerves in the affected area. This can be an incredible opportunity to regain control over the muscles.

This can help increase strength and mobility in weakened muscles.

Neurotherapy also helps to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

The treatments involved in this therapy are many. There’s electrical stimulation (EMS), functional electrical stimulation (FES), and ultrasound (US).

  • EMS is a procedure that works by sending electrical pulses through electrodes that are placed on the skin. This helps to stimulate the muscles, which in turn can help reduce muscle atrophy.
  • FES is a therapy that uses specific waveforms of electricity to stimulate the nerves. This can help improve mobility and strength in atrophied muscles.
  • US sends sound waves through the body. This is done to target areas of muscle damage and promote healing.

How to Find the Right Neurotherapy Provider for You?

When it comes to finding a Neurotherapy provider, it is important to research providers and understand how they help.

It is also a good idea to ask family members and friends who have been through a similar experience. By getting feedback from those who have already tried Neurotherapy, you can get an idea of which providers offer the best treatment.

It would be best if you also considered talking with your doctor before starting any Neurotherapy treatment. Your doctor can advise which type of therapy best suits your condition. They can recommend a reputable provider in your area.

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Benefits of Neurotherapy for Muscle Atrophy

Neurotherapy offers several benefits to those suffering from muscle atrophy. It helps improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Additionally, it can help increase strength and mobility in weakened muscles.

In addition to these physical benefits, Neurotherapy is also known for its psychological effects.

Some of the other benefits are:

  • Relaxation
  • Less stress
  • Improved overall well-being
  • Non-invasive
  • Non-surgical
  • Minimal side effects
  • Cheaper than invasive treatment

In terms of cost, for example, surgery or injections are more expensive. Neurotherapy can be done in a clinic or at home using devices that deliver electrical stimulation.

Overall, Neurotherapy is an effective treatment for those suffering from muscle atrophy. It can provide both physical and psychological benefits.

With regular sessions and proper care, those affected by this condition can experience relief. As a consequence, they experience improved overall health.

How to Optimize Neurotherapy Results On Your Own

While Neurotherapy can help symptoms of atrophy, other ways exist to get results.

Regular exercise and stretching can help increase strength and flexibility in weakened muscles. Eating a nutritious diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can help. It focuses on promoting healing and reducing inflammation.

Besides, regular massage therapy or acupuncture can help improve circulation and alleviate pain.

It is important to practice stress management techniques. For example, deep breathing exercises or yoga to keep your body relaxed. This will allow the Neurotherapy to be more effective in relieving muscle atrophy.

Furthermore, it is important to follow up with your doctor or physical therapist regularly. This is to monitor the progress of your treatment.

Using Neurotherapy for Muscle Atrophy Treatment

Muscle atrophy is a condition that affects the size of one’s muscles due to lack of use or nerve damage.

Neurotherapy is an effective treatment option for this condition. It helps stimulate nerves and improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Neurotherapy can help improve strength and mobility in weakened muscles. It also has the psychological effects of relaxation and stress relief.

If you’re suffering from muscle atrophy, consider talking to your doctor about the possibilities of Neurotherapy. It may be the best course of action for reducing the symptoms of muscle atrophy.

Get in touch with us if you’re interested in overcoming muscle atrophy.