What is Neurotherapy?

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Did you know that many of the world’s peak performers and athletes get neurotherapy treatment in order to sleep better, improve their energy efficiency, and overcome crippling anxiety?

Despite the many benefits of neurotherapy treatment, many people still don’t understand what it is. Contrary to what many people think, there are many different conditions that neurotherapy can treat.

This is why it is so important for people to understand what is neurotherapy and what its benefits are. We’ve written a guide to help you out. Read on if you are interested in finding out more.

What Is Neurotherapy Treatment?

People get neurotherapy treatment in order to improve their brain function. The treatment involves using drug-free technological devices for the purpose of modifying brain activity.

Neurotherapy treatment takes place in a clinical setting. It is not invasive, is safe, and is painless.

It is an especially helpful type of treatment for those who have injured themselves while playing sports.

Since neurotherapy is a relatively new procedure, the technology and methods are always changing.

The History of Neurotherapy

It was a man named Dr. Joe Kamiya who first realized that people are able to self-regulate their brainwave rhythms by making use of a technique that’s known as neurofeedback.

The first form of neurotherapy was electroencephalogram feedback, which has existed since the 1960s.

But it was not until 2009 that companies started producing new types of neurostimulation devices that made it easier for people to receive the treatment.

How Neurotherapy Treatment Works

The goal of neurotherapy is to change the structure of brain cells and to improve how they work. This typically involves rewiring brain cells.

There are five different ways that neurotherapy can help to rewire brain cells.

1. General Cell Healing

After somebody has a traumatic brain injury, it is important to focus on recovering cellular function in neurons. General cell healing can help people to do this.

2. Neuro-Stimulation

It is necessary to have some kind of stimuli in order to reactivate brain cells that have been dormant. It is possible to do this by using a low-intensity laser light such as a soft laser or a cold laser.

3. Neuro-Modulation

People often refer to this as improving the brain’s signal-to-noise ratio. It is possible to do this by participating in activities to help the brain to modulate its own processes.

4. Neuro-Relaxation

It is important to catch up on sleep if you want to heal your brain. When the brain enters deep sleep, it goes through the process of rewiring its cells.

5. Learning and Neuro-Differentiation

In this phase, the brain is ready to begin relearning lost functions. Every learning process involves creating new neural connections within the brain.

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Neurotherapy Techniques

Most people who participate in a neurotherapy session will need to sit in a chair with electrodes on their heads. This non-invasive procedure is completely painless.

Some people compare it to a doctor placing a stethoscope on your chest to listen to your heartbeat.

At the beginning of a neurotherapy session, expect your doctor to walk you through a few simple actions while the EEG keeps track of your brain’s electrical impulses.

Some doctors have their patients watch images on a screen or play video games. It is also possible that you will be encouraged to relax while listening to music.

The electrodes on your head will offer immediate visual and audio feedback related to the activity of your brain.

For example, if you are looking at images on a screen, the screen might display bright colors whenever your brain starts creating desirable brainwave patterns. When your brain creates less desirable brainwave patterns, it might display darker colors.

This immediate feedback helps your brain to figure out what it has to do to make the screen brighter. Your brain will eventually figure out how to create brainwave patterns that make the screen turn bright.

Most neurotherapy sessions last for an hour or less and it is common for patients to have up to forty sessions. But it is important to keep in mind that some people will need fewer sessions than this and some will need more.

Neurotherapy Benefits: How It Can Help You

One of the most important goals of neurotherapy is to improve brain regulation. There are many different kinds of conditions that neurotherapy can treat.

This includes anxiety disorder, ADHD, depression, and bipolar disorder.

Neurotherapy can also help you if you are recovering from a sports-related injury and if you suffer from some kind of brain damage as a result of a tumor or a stroke.

Many of the world’s top performers undergo neurotherapy procedures in order to develop clearer mindsets so that they can start making better decisions.

It is important to remember that everybody who participates in neurotherapy will have a different treatment protocol.

What Are Current Trends in Neurotherapy?

Since neurotherapy has not been in existence for very long, many people still don’t know what it is.

It is quickly becoming an experimental alternative to more popular forms of treatment.

There are several companies that sell neurotherapy devices that people can use from home. But it is a much better idea work with a trained healthcare professional if you want to participate in neurotherapy.

Get to Know More About Neurotherapy

All in all, it is important to know that neurotherapy procedures are a painless and effective technique that can help you to improve brain function.

If you think that you could benefit from neurotherapy, we are here to help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a consultation once you are ready to get started.