What To Know Before Hip Replacement Surgery

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

  • Understanding what to expect from hip replacement surgery helps set realistic expectations and makes the process easier to navigate.
  • Hip replacement surgery replaces damaged portions of the hip joint to reduce pain and improve mobility.
  • Patients should prepare not only for the surgery itself but also for the steps necessary in the preparation and recovery processes.
  • It’s important to remember the end goal of surgery and the improved quality of life that comes with it, which will make the ups and downs of the recovery process worth it.

Hip replacement surgery is no small commitment. Although the process results in greater comfort and mobility in the long term, it can be a bit intimidating, especially if you’re unsure what to expect.

Hip replacement surgery is beneficial for people who have joint pain that interferes with daily activities, and other non-surgical options do not provide relief. Surgery aims to reduce pain and improve mobility in your affected joint so that you can enjoy a greater quality of life. 

Most people who receive hip replacement surgery are glad they did. Still, it’s important that patients are fully prepared so they can reduce their stress levels and put themselves in a better position for a smooth recovery. Many patients have several things they wish they knew before hip replacement surgery, so this guide covers five key pieces of information patients should know.

What To Know Before Hip Replacement Surgery

As you prepare for hip replacement surgery, it’s important to understand all aspects involved in the process, including the steps needed before and after. With the following in mind, you’ll be well on your way to a successful procedure.

1. What Is Hip Replacement Surgery?

The number one piece of information you need to know is what exactly this procedure is and how it works. Hip replacement surgery, also known as hip arthroplasty, is a procedure where an orthopedic surgeon removes diseased parts of the hip joint and replaces them with an artificial joint.

Hip replacement surgery is often a last resort for those experiencing joint pain. Surgery is generally only recommended if other non-surgical methods have not provided relief.

Indicators you may need hip replacement surgery include if your pain:

  • Prevents you from being able to sleep
  • Persists despite pain medication or worsens over time
  • Becomes worse with walking
  • Makes it difficult to stand up
  • Interferes with your daily activities

2. The Need To Prepare for Surgery

When we think of hip replacement surgery, many of us think of the surgery without realizing what goes into the before and after. The steps you take during the preparation and recovery processes are just as important to a successful outcome as the surgery itself.

Preparing in advance will equip your body to better handle surgery and the healing process, prepare you mentally for the necessary steps, and ensure you have the resources in place for a smooth recovery.

Some steps you’ll need to follow as you prepare for surgery include:

  • Following any pre-surgery guidelines that your surgeon relays to you
  • Eating a healthy, balanced diet to fuel your body with the right nutrients
  • Engaging in physical activity as recommended by your surgeon
  • Using relaxation techniques to minimize stress and anxiety
  • Prepare your home so it’s safe, comfortable, and easy to navigate during your recovery
  • Build a support network to assist you during your recovery
  • Learn how to minimize pain while waiting for your hip replacement

3. Setting Realistic Expectations

Although joint replacement surgery has become incredibly advanced and can result in incredible outcomes, it’s important to know not to expect an instant miracle solution. Patients should maintain realistic expectations about their outcomes and recovery timelines.

The recovery process will involve some hard work as you push through pain and discomfort during physical therapy on the way to restored mobility of your joint. Choosing the right provider makes the process easier, as they will take special care to ensure your comfort and provide complete transparency throughout.

Your surgical provider will be able to convey more information about your recovery timeline and any potential challenges you may face along the way. Be sure to ask your surgical team any questions you have so you can take the appropriate steps to prepare and enjoy the best possible result.



Return to the Activities You Love

Our board-certified surgeons at The Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale use the latest methods in hip surgery to provide you with the best possible outcome.


4. Recovery Process

Almost as important as the surgery itself is to follow your surgeon’s post-op aftercare instructions. Your medical provider will likely recommend specific exercises to restore function to your joint and prescribe medications to manage pain and recovery—it’s up to you to stick to them.

Remember, it’s crucial to stay committed to the process. The recovery process can be challenging and demotivating, as you will have to deal with some pain and challenges, such as lingering pain and limited mobility. That said, sticking to your recovery plan is well worth it for the relief you feel by the end of it, so it’s crucial to remember the end goal.

If you are feeling down or unmotivated during the post-surgery recovery process, it can be a good idea to lean on your family and friends as a support system or even seek counseling. Having this extra layer of support can make it easier for you to manage the challenges of recovery.

5. Improved Quality of Life

Hip replacement surgery will come with its ups and downs as you prepare for the procedure and as your body heals afterward—challenges are the nature of the process. However, by the end of it, you should experience long-term relief that makes any challenges well worth it.

Hip replacement allows patients to engage in physical activity and return to their daily routines. Of course, patients must stay committed to their recovery plan to reach their full potential, but many are able to return to their favorite activities within a few weeks.

By the end of the journey, you’ll enjoy a welcome boost to your mental health with the ability to enjoy life without worrying about hip pain. Keeping this top of mind makes the process that much easier and should help you stay motivated.

At the Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale, our skilled providers will work to support you with the best possible surgical outcome for an improved quality of life. Many of our patients can walk within an hour after surgery and are able to return to physical activities like hiking and golfing just a few weeks after their hip replacement.

Experience Long-Term Hip Relief at JRCS

Many patients have things they wish they knew before hip replacement surgery–knowing what to expect makes navigating the ups and downs of the journey simpler. Candidates for surgery should expect to take steps to prepare, set realistic expectations, and plan ahead for their recovery process. Most of all, you should expect an improved quality of life, which makes the potential challenges of the recovery process well worth it.

The Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale works with our patients to develop personalized treatment plans and uses state-of-the-art surgical methods for the best possible outcomes. Our compassionate team will ensure you have all the information you need for a comfortable process. Between Dr. Martin, Dr. Firestone, and Dr. Duhon, we have thousands of successful procedures under our belts and a long track record of patient satisfaction.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see if hip replacement surgery is right for you.