Why Joint Replacement Surgery Is a Better Choice Than Non-Surgical Alternatives

Table of Contents

Executive summary

  • When experiencing joint pain, some individuals may benefit from a non-surgical recovery plan, while some may benefit more from a surgical approach depending on their specific case.
  • Non-surgical options are helpful for some people, but they have limitations and often do not provide long-term relief.
  • A surgical approach to joint pain is often the best, as it provides long-term relief and addresses the root cause of the pain.
  • Seeing an experienced professional will ensure you receive a personalized treatment plan that provides you with the best possible outcome for your specific needs.

Anyone experiencing joint pain knows how frustrating it is, between the discomfort and its impact on your quality of life. Joint issues can cause chronic pain, reduce mobility, limit athletic performance, and make daily activities difficult. The difficulties that come with joint pain can also have a significant impact on your mental health, preventing you from partaking in the activities you enjoy.

Joint pain can stem from a variety of conditions, including arthritis, injuries, and long-term damage. With the complexity of joint pain and the difficulty that comes with addressing it, it can be challenging to find a solution that works. One of the biggest questions for people experiencing joint pain is whether they should take a surgical vs. non-surgical approach.

At The Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale, we believe surgery is the better choice for addressing joint pain. Of course, every situation is unique, but for most cases of chronic joint pain, surgery is the best option for providing long-term pain relief and functionality.

Limitations of Non-Surgical Options

Non-surgical treatment options are the first approach for addressing joint pain. A professional provider will recommend all of the potential interventions you can take before recommending surgery.

Common Non-Surgical Options

There are a variety of non-surgical approaches you can take to address joint pain before considering surgery. Some of the most common non-surgical treatments include:

  • Physical or occupational therapy – Physical and occupational therapy involve exercises to strengthen the muscles around the joint and improve functionality.
  • Injection therapy – Injection therapy injects medication directly into the joint to reduce pain and inflammation and improve function. Typically, injection therapy provides some relief for a few weeks to a few months, depending on the person.
  • Lifestyle modifications – Lifestyle modifications involve making changes to your daily routine based on your limitations. These modifications can include changing footwear, using assistive devices, and changing your level of activity.
  • Pain medications – Pain medications can include those prescribed by a doctor or found over the counter. Although pain medications can provide potential relief, reliance on medications can also lead to concerns like dependency issues and potential side effects.  

These non-surgical options offer ways to cope with and manage pain, so a treatment plan that involves one or more of these treatment methods may allow you to take on your daily routine more comfortably. However, that doesn’t mean they’ll provide total relief or work long-term.

Drawbacks of Non-Surgical Options

Although they can be helpful, the above options also have several limitations. Unfortunately, these options are limited in their success and often only provide a band-aid solution to joint pain, as they do not address the root source of the issue. For some people, non-surgical options may not offer relief at all, as they do not work for everyone.

They also require consistent commitment. For example, those who take medications to manage pain must do so on a continuous basis, which can be a hassle. For this reason, medications and other consistent treatments can also be costly, forcing you to spend constantly for temporary relief. 

Transform Your Life for the Better

At The Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale, we are experts in robotic surgery, using the latest technology and compassionate care to provide an exceptional level of joint care.

Benefits of Joint Replacement Surgery

Joint replacement surgery offers several benefits, especially when you receive a procedure from a skilled surgeon. For the right candidates, surgery can provide long-term relief compared to non-surgical options.

What Is Joint Replacement Surgery?

Meanwhile, joint replacement surgery, also known as arthroplasty, involves a surgical replacement of the affected joint with an artificial one. The artificial joint is usually made of ceramic, metal, or plastic. Joint replacement surgery is most often used for the hip and knee but can also be used for ankles, elbows, and shoulders.

Depending on the case, you may need either total or partial joint replacement. Total joint replacement involves a complete replacement of the joint, while partial replacement only replaces the damaged part of the joint.

The Advantages of a Surgical Approach

Although surgery is a last resort solution for those experiencing joint pain, it can be a great source of relief for patients who are a good candidate.

Some of the benefits of joint replacement surgery include:

  • Addresses the root cause – Joint replacement surgery replaces the damaged joint with an artificial one, reducing strain on the joint and improving the function, which addresses the root issue and alleviates pain.
  • Provides long-term relief – Surgery provides long-term relief for those experiencing pain. The benefits of joint replacement surgery can often last anywhere between 15 to 20 years, if not more.
  • Adapted to the patient – Surgery follows a specialized treatment plan for each patient based on their specific needs. Unlike generalized treatment plans or exercises, joint replacement surgery targets your unique concerns and anatomy to provide relief.
  • Cost-effectiveness – Joint replacement surgery does cost money upfront, but it also provides relief for many years. When you consider the cost of surgery compared to paying for non-surgical remedies for that same amount of time, you’ll find it’s well worth it.
  • Return to your lifestyle – By restoring the function of the joint and alleviating pain, joint replacement surgery allows you to return to the activities you love, whether it’s your daily routine or your favorite exercise.

At The Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale, we specialize in hip and knee surgery. We use robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery to not only restore function to the joint but also encourage the smoothest and quickest possible recovery.

Our advanced technology offers even more benefits, including minimal downtime and improved outcomes. Many of our patients are able to walk with minimal pain and discomfort within a few hours. They are also able to return to their favorite activities and daily routines after following their postoperative plan.

What Are Signs You May Be a Candidate for Joint Replacement Surgery?

Although we believe a surgical approach is the better option, it’s still an invasive procedure, so it’s important to make sure you’re the right candidate before seeking surgery.

Some signs you may be a good candidate for joint replacement surgery include:

  • Non-surgical interventions aren’t working
  • The joint area is swollen
  • You have arthritis
  • You’re unable to follow your normal routine
  • You have severe pain that isn’t going away

Even with the above points considered, everyone’s situation is unique. The best way to determine whether you’re a good candidate for joint replacement surgery is to schedule a consultation with a professional surgeon to discuss your case.

Experience Long-Term Joint Relief at JRCS

There are several potential options for addressing joint pain, but they’re not guaranteed to work for everyone. The best way to determine the optimal route to pain relief for you is to talk to a professional surgical provider.

At The Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale, our caring and compassionate team will develop a personalized treatment plan that fits your specific needs. Whether you will benefit more from chronic pain management strategies or from joint replacement surgery, our team of experienced surgeons uses advanced methods to provide you with the best possible outcome.  

With thousands of successful procedures under our belts, we’re prepared to provide you with the care and attention you need for long-term relief. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about what treatment plan will work best for you.