The Benefits of Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

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When you think of surgery, you often think of a long hospital stay and being stuck in a facility, but this isn’t always the case. Thanks to advanced methods of joint replacement surgery, you can recover from your procedure without a hospital stay. The benefits of outpatient care for your procedure at the Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale make it an excellent alternative to inpatient surgery. With the right preparation and support, outpatient surgery may even support improved recovery and outcomes.

What Is Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery?

Outpatient joint replacement surgery involves a complete joint replacement at a surgery center without an extended hospital stay, allowing patients to go home the same day. With the help of advanced tools and procedures, outpatient procedures have become a popular and realistic option for many joint replacement patients.

Before the rise of outpatient procedures, hospital stays for a joint replacement could be as long as four days—some even required a whole week. Today, many clients can receive their required surgery and go home the same day with doctor approval. 

Some forms of the surgery are more conducive to outpatient procedures than others. For example, the shoulders, hips, and knees are usually common options for outpatient surgery. Still, everyone has different needs, so discuss with your doctor to find out if outpatient is a good option for you.

5 Benefits of Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery

The advancement of outpatient joint replacement surgery provides several conveniences for patients who are eligible. From faster recovery to improved comfort, there are five key benefits of outpatient care.

1. A Reduced Hospital Stay and Faster Recovery

With less time in the hospital and a more efficient procedure, patients are able to get back to their normal routines faster and enjoy a quicker recovery. MAKO SmartRobotics technology, the technology used at the Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale, allows for a less invasive procedure that promotes faster recovery.

With a smaller incision, your body has less tissue damage to repair, allowing you to heal faster. The less-invasive procedure also means less anesthesia and less of a disruption to your body.

2. Lower Risk of Hospital-Acquired Infections

Hospital-acquired infections are a common risk for patients during hospital stays. These infections can take a variety of forms, like surgical site infections, respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, and more. Infections often spread due to patients being in close proximity to other patients, hospital staff, or a contaminated environment.

By recovering at home, patients can reduce their risk for infection by reducing their number of infection points. In the home, you can rest up around people you know and minimize your risk of catching any illnesses.

The smaller incision from an outpatient procedure also means there is a smaller wound and less scarring, reducing the chances of an infection at the operation site.

3. Cost Effectiveness and Potential Cost Savings 

Outpatient joint replacement surgery is more cost-effective and offers potential cost savings. With an outpatient procedure, you avoid having to pay for staying in a facility and receiving additional services associated with inpatient care.

Over the span of just a few days, the costs of staying in a hospital add up quickly and lead to large bills, making it far more cost-effective to recover at home. Outpatient care also reduces costs for hospitals and providers, making it a win-win for everyone.

4. Improved Patient Satisfaction and Convenience

For most people, you can’t beat the comfort of your own home. Without the need for inpatient care, patients can recover in their own space, allowing them to be more comfortable during the healing process and have a higher level of postoperative satisfaction.

Patients who recover at home are able to enjoy a familiar environment surrounded by their support system and the activities they enjoy doing. Outpatient care is also less of a disruption to a patient’s lifestyle than having to stay at a hospital. Between coordinating family visits and being away from home and work, inpatient care is far less convenient, highlighting the benefits of outpatient procedures.

5. Enhanced Postoperative Rehabilitation and Mobility

Part of the recovery process is getting back into your normal routine and getting used to using your joints normally again. By staying at home in your everyday environment, you are more likely to start using your joints as you move around the house and perform daily tasks. 

This improved chance for mobility helps increase blood flow to the area, which reduces the risk of blood clots and promotes recovery.

At the same time, your doctor may also connect you with a greater network of resources outside the hospital. By being able to access a wider network of physical therapists and other medical professionals, you can have more support in your recovery than just the providers available at the hospital.

Transform Your Life for the Better

At The Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale, we are experts in robotic surgery, using the latest technology and compassionate care to provide an exceptional level of joint care.

Preparing for Outpatient Surgery

For many, the chance to recover at home and out of a facility is a huge relief. However, it’s still important to take steps in preparation to maximize the recovery outcome. As a result, there are a few steps to follow when preparing for outpatient care:

  1. The first step to outpatient surgery is discussing the option with your doctor. Your doctor will perform a preoperative assessment to determine whether you are a good candidate for outpatient surgery, depending on your health history. Your doctor will then provide medical clearance if you are eligible.
  2. After receiving clearance from your doctor, you can gather the resources you’ll need to ensure a smooth recovery. Your care team will provide you with educational resources and counseling to prepare you for post-surgery care.
  3. Be sure to prepare your home before surgery so you can navigate the space easier during recovery. Consider arranging your sleeping and resting spots to support you after surgery and arrange everything you need in close proximity.
  4. Then, coordinate with your healthcare team and support system to discuss routines and treatment plans post-surgery. This includes your doctors and physical therapists, as well as your caretakers at home. Having everyone on the same page will help ensure your comfort.

Success Rates and Long-Term Outcomes

The benefits of outpatient joint repair surgery are more than just convenience. Some studies have found that outpatient hip and knee surgeries have similar success rates compared to traditional inpatient surgeries.

In fact, one study showed that patients who underwent an outpatient hip replacement procedure had higher satisfaction with surgery than the inpatient group. Both groups had similar outcomes at 90 days and two years after operation. More studies are needed to add to the evidence, but so far, results are promising in favor of outpatient surgery.

Of course, proper care and post-surgery routines will influence the success of surgery as well. Factors that help promote post-surgery success include:

  • Maintaining consistent communication with your doctor
  • Attending all recommended medical appointments
  • Ensuring the home environment is set up in an accommodating way
  • Following post-surgery care instructions
  • Taking your prescribed medications
  • Having a support system to help with daily tasks

Discover if Outpatient Joint Replacement Surgery is an Option for You

Outpatient joint replacement surgery is a much more comfortable and convenient option than inpatient care for patients who are eligible. At the Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale, we use state-of-the-art robotic joint replacement technology to reduce recovery time and improve mobility through outpatient procedures.

Consult an experienced provider to learn more about the advantages of outpatient care and determine if outpatient surgery is a good option for you.

Our experienced specialists at The Joint Replacement Center of Scottsdale are happy to help you determine an appropriate treatment plan based on your situation. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.